Roblox Airplane Story Wiki
Roblox Airplane Story Wiki

General Alex is a fictitious Roblox character created by Ponchokings, he is a Robloxia States Army general. He is a minor character in the game Airplane 3. He is good friends, and possibly lovers with the character, General Poncho. The creator has not yet confirmed the relationship between them, however, many fans theorize about a possible romantic connection between the two.

General Alex is seen at the landing area after the players parachute out the plane, and his dialogue is different depending on which ending the players got.

In the Good Ending where General Poncho is presumed to have died General Alex informs the players that General Poncho gave his life to save everybody on the plane, calling him a hero. He then congratulates the players for their courage, saying General Poncho is proud of them.

In the Bad Ending General Poncho informs General Alex that both Captain Joe and Ronald perished in the plane's explosion, which General Alex says is "a shame". General Alex then says that at least Ronald will not come back to haunt anyone else, an ironic statement.

In the Monster Ending, if one of the players has the "Be the Monster gamepass" activated and talks to General Alex, General Alex displays horror at the sight of the "monster". General Alex then orders his soldiers to kill the monster, and "Leave no witnesses", with the game ending with the sight of the soldiers firing their guns at the monster player.



General Alex appears to have the same hair style as Ronald.

