Roblox Airplane Story Wiki
Roblox Airplane Story Wiki

Captain Platino is the secondary antagonist of the Starblox Series, serving as the main antagonist of Starblox: Episode 1 - Baclone Army.

Captain Platino is the leader of the Dark Regiment's military base on Sorka, and the commander of all the Baclones stationed there. Hunter and The Players overhear early on from a Red Baclone that Captain Platino will be leading the "plan" which will lead to the galaxy's conquest by the Dark Regiment. It is never actually specified what this "plan" is.

Later, Captain Platino is seen in a cutscene where he tells the Baclones to take any measures necessary to "exterminate" the trespassing players. Eventually, all the Baclones are wiped out by The Players, and they manage to deactivate a laser gate and follow Captain Platino into a corridor (pictured). Hunter will approach Platino and tell him to surrender himself, to which Platino refuses and then runs into another room.

After defeating some Baclones, The Players open the door and find Captain Platino in another room, this time on high ground. The Players must then fight a four-phase boss battle with Platino. A full explanation of this fight can be found on the Starblox Stories page. As the fight progresses, Platino gets more and more angry until he eventually loses his temper and shouts at The Players.

After the final phase of his fight is defeated, he falls to the ground and is shown cowering in front of Hunter. Captain Platino will then offer Hunter useful information about the Dark Regiment. The Players can either listen to him or ignore him and arrest him.

If they choose the latter option, then Captain Platino will warn The Players they are no match for "Lord Enigma". At Hunter's ship the captive Platino will laugh, and say that Hunter does not understand the true nature of things. The game then ends.

If players choose to listen to Platino's information, Platino will claim he is only one part of a bigger conspiracy. He then pulls out a CD, and puts it into a computer. The CD then displays a holographic message from Lord Enigma, ordering Platino to build an army of Baclones for the planned invasion of the galaxy by the Dark Regiment.

When the message finishes, a somewhat panicked Hunter realizes that Captain Platino has disappeared, and the game ends with him and The Players returning to the ship.
